Are you looking for community & support for your brand, or practice?

As much as we need to look within to find our daily rhythm, it is equally essential to seek out teachers and healers in every area of mind, body, and spirit alignment. Our Collective is made up of movement guides, healers, teachers, entrepreneurs, coaches and holistic practitioners (like YOU!) all here on a mission to feel empowered, educated, and centered.

Join our collective and gain access to our community network where members can connect about collaboration opportunities or support, join events, marketing and resources exchanges and more. Collective members will also have the ability to contribute to our blog or be featured in our community newsletter.

Is the Collective right for you?

Are you someone who…

Craves collaboration and connection?

Values different thoughts and perspectives through the many challenges you face as a business owner?

Loves the idea of outsourcing tasks so you can focus more on top-level goals & strategies?

Desires a like-minded, whole-being-centered community?

Would love support and accountability from those like you who just get it?

We would LOVE to have you.

What’s Included: 

All membership options include…

Online community network

LA-based meet-ups and social events

Workshops & resources

Collaboration opportunities

Authentic friendships and fun!

The Collective

FREE for founding members over the 2023 season

$44/mo (starting Winter Solstice 2023)

(includes everything listed above)

The Collective VIP


Includes your standard membership

+ newsletter spotlights

+ blog features

+ad & marketing services discount 


Let’s Talk!

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